Some things you don't forget

Created by dgrant 12 years ago
Some of the things that you never forget about somebody. I remember Uncle Donnie coming to our house on Sunnybrae Ave. Mom must have had the table set for dinner and he picked up a fork and knife and began bellowing out "We want dinner!We want dinner!" until of course we all joined in! I think that became a ritual for awhile. I also remember how he and Aunt Ethel gave Dad one of the most beautiful gifts. Dad never did get to meet his father, as he passed away when Grandma was pregnant for him, child #9. Uncle Donnie and Aunt Ethel had a photo done up with Dad as a little boy,superimposed and leaning up against his parents when they were a young couple...just beautiful. Another thing that stands out for me is my wedding day. It was on Dec.29, an unusual date for a wedding! I really didn't expect that many "out of towners" would come being Christmas time. BUT Uncle Donnie and Aunt Ethel were there! I felt so honored especially being Uncle Donnie's favorite time of year. Well, my husband, Donnie, told me later that day that my Uncle Donnie placed a special order to him and that was to take good care of his special niece. Well, Uncle Donnie, he listened! Love, Maureen